Friday, February 3, 2012


Sometimes I hate my boyfriend.

And being a stay at home mom.

And...oh yeah, my life.

I know I'm not supposed to complain.

From an outsider's perspective things probably don't look so bad.

But sometimes I feel like a prisoner in my own home.

My boyfriend's a good guy, he really is.

He works at a job he's grown to hate just so that I can stay home and take care of our daughter and for that, I truly appreciate him but what he doesn't understand is that


Much, much harder than he does.

Because when you're a stay at home mom, hell, ANY kind of mom


I don't get sick time, vacation time, lunch breaks or weekends off.

Hell, I don't get to shit, shower or even shave my legs without my daughter barging her way into the bathroom with me.

Once upon a time I had a life.

I lived in Boston and took the Red line to work everyday.

I exercised at Healthworks five mornings a week, took classes at Umass part-time, and on weekends I went to the Kendall Square theater to see all of the movies Ebert had raved about the week before.

I did all of these things blissfully alone.

Now, my alone time consists of the hour or so I get before the baby wakes up each morning and the few minutes I can keep my eyes open after she goes to bed at night.

I know that this will all be worth it one day.

But today...I just needed to bitch.